Platters that Scream Delicious*  
“Expect the best, give the best” with fantastic platter options for any Cape Town occasion

There is not a single occasion that doesn’t deserve a platter or two or three, everyone needs to eat… right?

Yet my lack of culinary skills means that my kind of platter would consist of boxed, (frozen to be heated at 120° for 10min) cocktail sausage rolls, sprinkles of shaved lettuce - that I happen to find in my fridge - for garnish and maybe, just maybe I’ll throw in some quartered tomatoes for a bit of flair.

Would you buy my platter? Thought not.

Then think of these options…

- Seafood Platter with prawns, mussels and crabsticks
- Chicken kebabs platter with seeded chicken
- Cold meats platter with a generous portion of cheese to boot
- Luxury platter with cashew nuts, chocolate coated almonds, dried fruit, whispers and sweets 
- Salad platter for our meat free friends, with lettuce, cucumber, pineapple and mushrooms

For your perfect platter, you should look no further than Jeanine Solomons – she will make you a platter that looks and tastes like it came from a 5-star deli!

Jeanine Solomons
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 072-353-0087 

I highly recommend
*Copy, text and main photography - courtesy of  www.Cape and their journalist, Tamryn Tinline. Thank you for a great website and your support. Full artivle can be found on their website at